Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Director

Meir Kasnett

Meir carries forward a legacy of dedication from generations of medical professionals and educators as he guides the Wellbrook Recovery team. His journey began years ago when he assumed a leadership role in an addiction treatment program, igniting a profound passion for mental health and addiction recovery that continues to shape his life.

Balancing his entrepreneurial acumen for streamlined growth with a genuine concern for the well-being of every individual, Meir is consistently immersed at every level, especially in the progress of client treatment. He staunchly believes in unlocking the inherent potential in each person, regardless of their starting point.

This commitment drives him to seek collaboration with leaders in the medical, rehabilitation, and educational fields, ensuring the implementation of the most effective policies and procedures for the clients and staff of Wellbrook Recovery.

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Get Effective Addiction Treatment at Wellbrook Recovery

At Wellbrook Recovery we’re committed to helping you reclaim your life from drug and alcohol addiction with comfort and dignity. We dedicate all of our resources and expertise to help every individual in our care find peace and lasting recovery by providing them a tailored program with all levels of treatment. Our complete care encompasses all aspects of the addiction, rehabilitating their physical, mental, and emotional health.